Conference Chairs of IRTM 2023


For paper submission

  • Indian Students: Rs. 5500
  • Academicians and professionals: Rs. 7000
  • Foreign students: USD 125
  • Foreign academician and professionals: USD 150

Participants who have been selected to present papers should register and pay the appropriate fees after receiving the Acceptance Notification.

The schedule of fees are as follows:

Overseas (Excluding Indian Affiliating Organization) : US$ 100
Industry(Only Indian Affiliating Organization): Rs 6000
Academician (Only Indian Affiliating Organization): Rs 4500
Research Scholar/UG/PG (Only Indian Affiliating Organization): Rs3500
Attendee (Only Indian Affiliating Organization): Rs 500

In case Academician and Research Scholar/PG/UG are co authors, the registration fee for Academician will apply

In case of any problem related to registration, please contact us at [email protected]

Important Dates

23rd-25th February, 2023

Conference Dates

10th January, 2023

Full paper submission

30th January, 2023

Acceptance Notification

15th February, 2023

Camera-ready copy due

20th February, 2023

Presentation Submission

1st February-15th February, 2023
