
For paper submission

Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Guidelines for Presentation–

1. The final program schedule will available online about 10 days before the conference. The time and date of the presentation of each paper will be there in the program schedule. The duration will be 12 minutes.

2. Authors/presenters will be required to connect via a  link for his/her session and present their slides. The  links will be provided in the schedule and will be emailed to authors as well.

3. Authors/presenters are requested to join the provided link with the email id communicated to us.

4. To avoid any technical glitches or network problems during the conference as a back-up all Authors are required to record the presentation of their slides with voice over in .mp4 format and mail us within deadline. This is only for back-up. Authors MUST be present online at the time of their presentation.

N.B. Email us for further queries.

In case of any problem, revert back at

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Phone: +91 9433310775

Upload the camera ready paper to EDAS. If you have any problem in submission via EDAS, mail your manuscript at  [email protected] and [email protected]. Please reconcile the review comments and update your manuscript. You may wish to rewrite certain sections for greater clarity, add endnotes (references), etc.. Please check the similarity score of the paper prior to uploading.

In case of any problem, revert back at

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Phone: +91 9433310775

Important Dates

23rd-25th February, 2023

Conference Dates

10th January, 2023

Full paper submission

30th January, 2023

Acceptance Notification

15th February, 2023

Camera-ready copy due

20th February, 2023

Presentation Submission

1st February-15th February, 2023
